Local Outreach

Located in the Willamette Mid-Valley, we hope to be a source of biblical truth and hope to those in our community by engaging them with the truth of the gospel. Our aim is both to proclaim and demonstrate the love of Christ through faithful service, faithful teaching, and a faithful adherence to the God’s Word.


Good News Club

In partnership with CEF and in cooperation with Periwinkle Elementary School, GBF leads a weekly Good News Club during release time at the Periwinkle School. This ministry provides a wonderful opportunity to supplement the children’s education with biblical principles and to introduce them to the Good News found in Jesus Christ.


Love Inc.

Love Inc (In the Name of Christ) is a network of churches that link ministries, resources, and volunteers to assist people in need. It is a cooperative effort between churches and community agencies to provide effective help and to make Christ known.



Want to get involved in local outreach?  Contact Tom Pennington at tntpennington@gmail.com.




Global Outreach

At GBF, the term “Global Outreach” is defined from a Matthew 28:18-20 perspective that expresses our commitment to go into all the world to make disciples of all nations. We are committed to the authority of the Word of God and empowerment of the Spirit of God to prayerfully and diligently build the Kingdom of God through the support of missions work surrounding the local church. 


Our purpose in the global outreach ministry of GBF is to glorify God by mobilizing the resources entrusted to GBF for the fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, ministering to the whole man physically, emotionally and spiritually.


Our passion is to see the Lord using our church as an instrument of grace to reach some of the remaining unreached peoples of the world. To be a part of reaching people from every tribe, tongue, people and nation who will become worshipers of our Great God. Therefore, we are committed to a strategic focused approach to mission.


Our strategy is to focus strategically; (1) on identifying and engaging unreached people groups with the long-term goal of seeing thriving, reproducing churches actively working to reach their own people and beyond; (2) on strengthening the church among people groups where we are currently involved, and (3) on developing avenues of outreach into our local community.

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