We’re glad you’re here!

If you have been with us during one of our worship services, or just visiting our website, either way, we’re glad you’re here and we would love the opportunity to serve you as best we can. Our commitment for Grace Bible Fellowship is to be a church dedicated to helping people know the Word of God and growing their love and joyful obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. In every one of our ministries, we have set our priority to know the truth, understand the truth, love the truth and to live according to the truth with conviction and love. We hope that the information you find on our website is helpful to you and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call our church office and request to speak to one of our pastors. May God richly bless you in Christ Jesus!







When We Meet

Times: Sunday @ 10:15am
Location: 33990 McFarland Rd. Tangent, OR


We share in the celebration of Communion (also called the Lord’s Supper) on the first Sunday of every month.  Communion is a sacred celebration for born-again believers only, as well as for Christians whose lives reflects the repentance and obedience commensurate of a disciple of Jesus Christ. We encourage those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus by faith alone for salvation to join us in celebrating, proclaiming, and confirming the gospel through communion. 


Our Sunday school classes, known as our Discipleship Hour classes, are available for children, youth, and adults for a variety of biblical-based, theologically grounded classes. They cover a wide range of biblical and theological topics that will enrich and refresh the transformation of your mind through your knowledge of the Word. Our classes meet before the main Worship Service, from 9:00 to 10:00 AM each Sunday throughout the year. 


Children’s ChurchNursery care (0-2 1/2 years old) and Preschool class (2 1/2 years-preK) is provided for the entirety of the 10:15 AM service

Children’s Church is offered during the Worship Service for K-3rd grade. If desired by parents, the children will be dismissed from the Worship Service following the singing and parents will pick them up from their classes at the conclusion of the service. Our Children’s church is not required, and we love to have them in the worship gathering, but it does provides a helpful time of discipleship where our leaders and teachers pour into our children with biblically based, age-appropriate teaching that is combined with fun activities that make for a great time. 



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Sunday Morning

At Grace Bible Fellowship it is our priority and privilege to worship God through song, prayer, giving, serving, and as we hear, apply, and respond to the Word of God with faith and joyful obedience. Our sermons are a careful examination and exposition of the Scriptures through in-depth, verse-by-verse sermons that are designed to be applied and engage our lives today. We believe in the work of the Holy Spirit to equip the mind and heart through the power of His Word which is evident by a sanctified, transformed life. And we strive to ensure that all who attend our worship services feel enriched, empowered, and armed with the Word of God so that they can be equipped to go out into the world to fulfill the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations. We’re dedicated to this great purpose as we serve in God’s great work of bringing glory to Himself as His Name is proclaimed and exalted in all the world. 






What To Expect

We understand that coming to a new place can be intimidating. You may not know anyone, where to go once you’re here, or even how to get here in the first place. To help you, we want to make it a little easier to find your way around and get connected by answering some of the questions that you may have before you come.


How many services do you have and what are they like? 

We have one service, at 10:15 AM featuring Beautiful hymns of worship and praise, an in-depth verse-by-verse sermon that explains the Bible. And on the first Sunday of each month, Communion is available for born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. 


What do you offer for children?

Children’s Church is offered during the 10:15 AM service for kids up to 3rd grade. Children are dismissed from the church service following the singing and parents then pick them up from their classes at the conclusion of the service. Nursery care is provided for children through age four (4).

What should I wear?

We want you come to church in whatever makes you feel comfortable. We care more about you and your relationship with Jesus than what you look like. While we understand the important and solemn nature of our worship of God, we don’t want clothing to be a hinderance to anyone. Just come, and you will be welcomed.


Where do I go when I get there?

Parking is available in the front of the church. If you park in the front of the church you may enter into the main entrance of the church and then straight ahead into the auditorium. There is handicapped parking in the front of the church for those with special needs.

What happens once I arrive inside?

As you enter one of the services, a greeter will hand you a weekly bulletin containing information about our ministry and various meetings/announcements for the week. Please let one of our greeters know if you have special needs, such as a wheelchair or hearing aid. Also, please consider filling out one of our blue communication slip in the bulletin so we know you visited us! First time guests will receive a small gift that we believe will be a blessing to you. We hope you enjoy the warm and friendly hospitality of our church family and look forward to seeing you!



Why are we called Grace Bible Fellowship?

“Grace” is central because it is by God’s grace alone that we are able to have a saving relationship with Him by faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ alone. God’s grace allows us to see and display His glory as we experience the blessedness that comes from the forgiveness from sin and the ongoing work of sanctification through His word. He has seen fit to assemble this body of believers, the church, to exalt His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ — the One whose death and resurrection gives us peace with God and the hope of heaven. Here at Grace Bible Fellowship you will find that His grace and our love for His Word is the common thread that runs through every ministry and expression of worship here.


The “Bible” is also primary at GBF because it is God’s inspired, infallible, and inerrant revelation of Himself to the world.  The Holy Bible is without error in its original manuscript and is essential for living a Spirit-empowered life which God provides in Christ. The Bible alone communicates God’s message of redemption and all that is needed for life and godliness, so it is the Holy Word of God alone that dominates all of our ministries. Churches who fail to prioritize God’s Word and replace it for “programs” or man-centered, community-centered activities miss the joy and blessing that God bestows on those who exalt His Word as He has. Bible is in our name because it is the Bible that is our priority.


While “Grace” and “Bible” defines who we are, “Fellowship” (a word for community) defines the context in which extending grace to one another is lived out. Fellowship is our joy and describes our relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ (1 John 1:3), which is the basis and foundation for our love for one another.  As followers of Christ, it is our responsibility and privilege to be the most loving, grateful, and joyful people in the world. And it’s in the context of our fellowship that we grow in our understanding of mutual love found in the Bible as we encourage one another to grow towards Christlikeness. Fellowship is the setting in which we equip one another to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, and fellowship with one another is a means of blessing and grace we are privileged to share as God demonstrates His love for the world by the way His people love one another. Our fellowship is the demonstration of God’s love.

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